Individuate le differenze funzionali del cervello autistico
Le differenze di funzionalità cerebrale tra soggetti autistici e non autistici sono state individuate per la prima volta grazie a una nuova tecnica...
Le differenze di funzionalità cerebrale tra soggetti autistici e non autistici sono state individuate per la prima volta grazie a una nuova tecnica...
A contatto con un nuovo gruppo di consimili gli scimpanzé tendono a conformare la struttura fonetica dei grugniti che usano per riferirsi al...
L'area di Broca, il centro cerebrale che presiede alla trasformazione in lingua parlata dei nostri pensieri, è coinvolta anche nella strutturazione...
Bei mehr als 120 Millionen Menschen mit Deutsch als Muttersprache in 8 Ländern, überrascht es kaum, dass die tatsächliche Sprachverwendung variiert....
Es gibt viele Gründe, um Deutsch zu lernen. Auf den folgenden Seiten präsentieren wir Ihnen Informationen zur deutschen Sprache, ihre Varietäten...
Se tenía la intuición pero no la certeza. En la industria del marketing online y el posicionamiento web era una verdad que se daba por sentada...
“Pasolini era un escritor enorme y un profeta”, apunta el actor Willem Dafoe, contundente. Y sus profecías se han cumplido con el tiempo. En...
El PSOE ha ganado las elecciones andaluzas y Podemos ha entrado con enorme fuerza en el Parlamento regional, según el sondeo ofrecido por Canal...
Le renversement du pouvoir légitime en Ukraine et son remplacement par un régime proaméricain était préparé bien avant le Maïdan et le refus...
Le président Français, qui avait pourtant tant défendu Charlie, s’est illustré aujourd’hui dans une déclaration qui va faire grand bruit. Il...
Below is a list of the study tips in our collection that will help in learning German effectively. Vocabulary, Articles and Gender It helps to...
A Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume is a summary of your educational and academic background. Its purpose is to outline your credentials for a...
Before applying for a job it might be a good idea to think about the following points. The perfect job application very much depends on where...
Be smart but not overdressed. Make sure you know the way and take a city map if necessary in order to ensure an on time and relaxed arrival at...
Il existe un top 10 des langues les plus parlées dans le monde. En voyage, il est préférable d’apprendre la langue officielle du pays concerné...
Comme il est difficile de tirer une «photo» instantanée de la situation linguistique actuelle dans le monde, commençons par dresser un résumé...
You don’t have to speak several languages to love it. Whether you just want to brush up on your main language, learn another, or even choose...
It is only a matter of time before the stock market plunges by 50% or more, according to several reputable experts. “We have no right to be surprised...
Producers: Ruby Violet This artisan ice-cream parlour in North London’s Tufnell Park is at the forefront of the trend for properly made ice cream...
The Girl with a Pearl Earring by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer is one his major masterpieces. The focal point of the painting is the reflective...
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (by Georges-Pierre Seurat) is one of the most influential paintings in art history. It is...
A Variety of German Podcast Shows for Learning German Slow German is an absolute beginner to intermediate German language learning podcast. Hosted...
Beginner and advanced levels alike will enjoy GermanPod101, an excellent online and mobile way to learn German quickly. GermanPod101's fun method...
The Deutsch - warum nicht? podcast is the result of a joint venture from Deutsche Welleand the Goethe Institut to create a free German audio...
More German Android Apps than you can Handle! Anyone with an Android gadget most likely knows about Google Play, as it's become the go-to source...
Learn German with this app for Android (free)! Exclusively for Android: start learning German with this app for your Android mobile now! Get...
Learning Spanish? Have a smartphone? Then you’re in luck. You can learn Spanish with songs and music. You have fantastic Spanish podcasts at...
Whether you're new to RussianPod101 or have been studying with us for years, this app will get you speaking your Russian from the very first...
Professional and polished interactive software for learning a new language, like Rosetta Stone and Fluenz, cost hundreds of dollars. Even online-only...
La découverte pourrait totalement bouleverser notre compréhension de la vie sur terre et dans l’univers. Un groupe de scientifiques anglais affirme...