100 Fantastic Blogs for Language Lovers
You don’t have to speak several languages to love it. Whether you just want to brush up on your main language, learn another, or even choose which to learn, there is tons of help on the internet, especially in blog form. To make the most of it, check out these 100 fantastic blogs for language lovers who enjoy vocabulary, grammar, linguistics, and much more. They are written by professors, students, and language lovers alike.
Fantastic Blogs for All Language Lovers
These blogs cover various aspects of language.
- 1. Lexiophiles : Learn to love your words with the help of these language lovers. In addition to posts written in several languages, you can get tools such as recommended study abroad programs, translation failures, and much more.
2. The English Blog : Get internet resources, reviews, news, tips, and trivia for learners and teachers of English. Many entries deal with funny ways to learn and appreciate English.
3. Join Martin : Marty Drury is a journalist and writer from the Wales who is on a quest to learn different languages. Top posts include Marty meets Tony Buzan and the German Phrase of the Day.
4. Cuaderno Intercultural : Available in several languages, this is a blog that collects and organizes materials, resources, tips, news, and anything else that can be used to promote intercultural education. Topics include games, vocabulary, and many others.
5. Language is the People’s : Dan is a full time proofreader in Minnesota who considers himself a “grammar wars foot soldier.” In addition to posts, he also bookmarks language related articles that interest him.
6. Language Hat : This blog discusses cultural topics from a language related point of view. Recently, the blogger answered a question on the most interesting language.
7. You Don’t Say : Veteran journalist John McIntyre writes about language, usage, journalism, and more in this blog. Entries often examine errors in the language of other journalists.
8. The Word Detective : This blogger has been writing on words and language in a humorous vein since 1995. If you like what you read, there is even a side blog.
9.Everything You Know About English Is Wrong : Bill Brohaugh is an author and language lover who gives commentary on what we speak and why we speak it. Although there hasn’t been an entry in a while, the blog is still worth a look.
10. Language Log : This blog was started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. Entries are on all sorts of English usage and grammar.
Fantastic Linguist Blogs for Language Lovers
These language experts taking your appreciate of language to the next level through their blogs.
- 11. Dr. Goodword’s Language Blog : Also known as Robert Beard, Dr. GW has a PhD in linguistics and has tons of useful entries on his blog. There are also linguistics mini courses, commonly confused words, the top words of every year dating back to 2000, and much more.
12. The Linguist on Language : Steve Kauffmann is the host of this blog and author of “The Way of the Linguist.” His blog is for people who love languages or would if they weren’t discouraged.
13. Arnold Zwicky’s Blog : He is a professor of linguistics at Stanford University who blogs mostly about languages. A recent entry examined nonce truncation.
14. Literal-Minded : Neal gives linguistic commentary and by his own admission takes things too literally. His top posts include Scooby-Doo counterfactual, Christmas song confusion, and rhyming words that don’t sound the same.
15. The Virtual Linguist : Susan is a linguist who speaks several languages. Categories on her blog include dictionaries, grammar, languages, pronunciation, and even texting.
16. Ryan’s Linguistics Blog : He is a first year linguistics student at Rutgers University. A recent blog entry examined copula contraction.
17. Linguism : After taking degrees that included the study of French, Spanish, Linguistics and Phonetics, Graham lectured on phonetics for half a dozen years. Categories of the blog include genealogy, language, music, and names.
18. The Language Guy : LG is a Professor Emeritus in linguistics at Ohio State University. The latest entry took on an Israeli linguist who was “too full of herself.”
19. Peter Harvey, Linguist : He is a teacher who has also authored a book entitled, “Great English Mistakes Made by Spanish Speakers.” An excellent stop for those interested in both linguistics and foreign languages.
20. A Linguist Goes to Law School : Get a small dose of law with your language blog reading here. There are also interesting tools such as the Devil’s Dictionary as well.
Fantastic Grammar Blogs For Language Lovers
These blogs focus on how to put the words in order and other grammatical and language mysteries.
- 21. Grammar Girl : Mignon Fogarty is your guide to all things grammar. Get short and informative lessons on topics such as who vs. whom, semicolons, and generic singular pronouns.
22. The Grammarphobia Blog : Get grammar, usage, etymology, and more with a visit to this blog. Entries typically are a Q & A on many common and uncommon language issues.
23. Motivated Grammar : If you believe prescriptivism must die, or even know what it is, this is the blog for you. Gabe Doyle is a fourth-year graduate student in linguistics at the University of California, San Diego who takes grammar very seriously.
24. Grammar for Grown-ups : Barrie focuses on grammar for those who are done with school. If you need some help on the basics, click one of the categories on the left, or check out the latest post.
25. The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar : This is an online journal in which members document their noble efforts. Recent entries took on apostrophes and punctuation.
26. GrammarBlog : They have been mocking poor grammar since 2007. Visit for tons of tips on speaking properly, along with help for spelling and punctuation.
27. Mighty Red Pen : The red pen is that dreaded device that is used to fix errors in grammar and language. Learn by watching this blogger correct the mistakes of others.
28. Cheryl Norman :Stop here for posts about those burning questions about grammar. New posts are sparse, but the archives are worth a look.
Fantastic Specialty Blogs for Language Lovers
The below blogs focus on a specific topic concerning language.
- 29. John Wells’s Phonetic Blog : John is a professor of phonetics at University College London. His language blog is focused on how words are pronounced and used.
30. Fritinancy : Nancy Friedman is the chief wordworker of Wordworking, who creates names, taglines, and compelling brand stories. Naming her blog after a cricket noise, she also writes about the quirks of the English language.
31. Phonoloblog : Get all things phonology in this blog. A recent entry took a look at how the contributors feel about acronyms.
32. Young, Single, Multilingual : Michal is your blogger and a language technologist based in Dublin, Ireland. Categories include lexicography, multilingual IT, and better life through grammar.
33. Language Portal News : If you are a lover of both languages and tech, stop here. This blog has tons of terminology for computer and internet users, in a variety of languages.
34. Blue Pencil Editing : Focused on writing, the tips are also useful for language. A recent entry examined the difference between continual and continuous.
35. Wordnik Blog : Wordnik is a site where edutainment meets words and language. The blog is full of words including definitions, origin, and more.
36. Editrix : This blog is for editors, editors at heart, and anyone who thinks grammar is hot. Although she is taking a break for pregnancy, there are still many useful blog entries.
Fantastic Communities for Language Lovers
Meet other lovers of language by visiting these sites.
- 37. Language Exchange Community : Get a pen pal in the language of your choice by visiting here. There are over one million members in 133 countries, practicing 115 languages. There are even text and voice chat options.
38. Linguaphiles : This LiveJournal community has many active members who love language. Read through the various entries, or submit one of your own.
39. Linguistic Society of America : If you are serious about your love of language, consider joining the LSA. They also have resources for students and visitors.
40. Wordsmith : Stop here for a community with Word of the Day, vocabulary, words, language, and more. There are over 800,000 linguaphiles in at least 200 countries.
41. ESL Forums : If you are learning English as a second language, this community is for you. Forum topics include tools, news, analysis, teaching, and more.
42. American Dialect Society : Founded in 1889, the ADS is dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, and of other languages and dialects influencing it. Check out the blog for more information on membership, as well as what they are up to.
43. Penpal International : Get help on learning or appreciating another language by exchanging mail with someone who already speaks it. The searchable database has over 92,000 members of all ages and from over 100 different countries.
44. WordReference : Also a leading language site, it also offers active forums. There are thousands of members and literally millions of posts on all sorts of language related topics.
45. Shared Talk : This language community is sponsored by Rosetta Stone. You can meet people, chat, send messages, and make friends all while improving your language skills.
Fantastic Sites for Language Lovers
These sites have tons of resources for those studying or appreciating languages.
- 46. Ask the Experts : Oxford Dictionaries are a must visit for any language lover. However, they are especially worth a look for their expert database. There are a ton of FAQ’s on common topics such as grammar, usage, origins, and even most frequently viewed.
47. Chicago Manual of Style : Anyone who works with words should visit here for tons of tools. They include style sheets, an online manual, quick guide, and much more.
48. Dictionary of American Regional English : Want to know the difference in what and where English is spoken in the U.S.? Then visit here for the definition of American words, including the region or regions they are most commonly found in.
49. World Wide Words :Michael Quinion writes on international English from a British viewpoint. Get the latest developments in language, along with his take.
50. Language Magazine :This publication comes in many different languages with many different tools. You can join a forum, get info on studying abroad, traveling, and more.
51. Your Dictionary :Search a ton of dictionaries, including medical and legal, all on one site here. They also have fun, games, and other useful language tools.
52. Ethnologue : Visit here for an encyclopedic reference work cataloging all of the world’s 6,909 known living languages. They have both a web and print version.
53. Language Guide : The site offers free sound integrated resources for learning languages. Some of the more unique offerings are on Hebrew, Vietnamese, and Hindi.
54. Handspeak : Because all language isn’t verbal, stop here for information on sign language. This site has an online dictionary, grammar, stories, manual alphabet, and more just for American Sign Language.
Fantastic Blogs for Language Lovers to Expand Their Vocabulary
Visit all of these blogs to take your “Word of the Day” learning to the next level.
- 55. Dictionary.com : A leading online dictionary, this site gets top spots for not only its word, but the audio pronunciation, quotes, and more.
56. Merriam-Webster : Another online dictionary, they have a Word of the Day, along with many other tools. They also include audio, example sentence, and a “did you know?” on the word.
57. Oxford English Dictionary: Use this Word of the Day feature to teach yourself many of the older terms used in the English language. There is also information on when the word first appeared.
58. SAT Tutor’s Blog : Click on “Word of the Day” to get advanced words for SAT test takers. There are also a ton of other vocabulary and language tools.
59. Today’s WORD on Journalism : You don’t have to love journalism to take advantage of this blog, but it helps. Journalist Ted Pease takes words from publications and analyzes them in his posts.
60. HotForWords : If you like looking at a pretty girl while expanding your vocabulary, stop here. There are videos, nerd words, and much more for the viewing.
61. One Look Word of the Day : Every hour a computer program selects five words that get an unusually large number of searches and features them on the site. They also link back to the article they pulled them from.
62. What Does It Mean? : Infoplease gives several definitions on their word of the day. There are also tons of other tools including dictionary, thesaurus, Fact Monster, and more.
63. Word of the Day Website : Get a word of the day with a more personal touch here. There are also quizzes, weekly review, and more.
64. Word of the Day on Twitter : If you have a Twitter account and love of language, sign up for this free word of the day service. There are over 400 words and counting.
Fantastic Blogs for Language Lovers Learning English
These blogs can help immensely in your quest to learn or perfect the English language.
- 65. Learner’s Dictionary Blog : Part of Merriam-Webster, the editors of the Learner’s Dictionary maintain this blog to help students at all levels. You can also get tools and downloads for practice and learning.
66. The Word Blog : “Boston Globe” columnist Jan Freeman blogs on the rules and realities of English usage. Entries often deal with the mistakes of other journalists.
67. EFL 2.0 : If learning English as a foreign language, this is the blog for you. It is a one stop place for e-learning, social web, Spanish learning, and more.
68. EFL Geek 3.0 : This blog is of particular interested to those learning English who are from or live in Korea. Blog entries regularly involve lessons.
69. Kenneth’s ESL Blog : A blogger for About.com, he gives a complete guide to the ESL process. A recent entry showed how to dispute a bill and obtain a driver’s license.
70. Slang O’ The Day : This blog is ideal for language lovers who need help in the vernacular. Each entry is devoted to a different word in English slang, along with its definition and usage.
71.Wordlustitude : Similar to the above, this blog explores the lesser known English words. A recent entry defined “fan-muppet-tastic.”
72. Pick the Brain : This blog helps motivate all towards self improvement. A good stop for those needing help learning English or any language.
73. The Learning Network : Although not technically a language blog, there are tons of help in learning or teaching just about anything with this blog from “The New York Times.” In addition to regular posts, there are tools such as Student Crossword, Word of the Day, This Day in History, and more.
Fantastic Blogs for Language Lovers Learning Other Languages
If you are an English speaker learning another language, check out these blogs.
- 74. Freestyle Language : Get a unique perspective on learning a foreign language from Chapman. Reviews of language learning techniques and products are included in the blog.
75. Omniglot : Stop here for musings on language, learning, and teaching. Simon’s philosophy is that one language is never enough.
76. Fluent in Three Months : Benny is an “Irish polyglot” who knows how crazy the title of his blog sounds. Most popular posts include how to get rid of your English accent and what to do when speaking a foreign language.
77. Foreign Language Blog : Get tips on how to learn a foreign language from this expert. A recent entry examined the pro’s and con’s of learning a language online.
78. 37 Languages : Beginning in December 2008, Keith decided to embark on a process of reviewing 37 languages to find the one perfect for him. He is currently reviewing Thai, which is number 29.
79. Babelhut : These bloggers write about experiences on the path to fluency in their target languages and about other related topics. A recent entry examined Barra de Espanol.
80. Spanish Only : Learn how to speak Spanish with the help of this blog. Must reads include how to roll your “r” and ignoring grammar.
81. Chinese Blog : Follow Andrew on his studies to learn the Chinese language. There is even a word of the day in Chinese.
82. Polish Blog : Anna Ikeda gives loads of help on learning the Polish language. She also includes Polish culture, games, and phrases.
Fantastic Podcasts for Language Lovers Learning Other Languages
Because language isn’t all reading, listen to these podcasts for more.
- 83.Coffee Break Spanish : Part of the Radio Lingua Network, this free series of podcasts is ideal for beginners through intermediate. There are 80 lessons averaging 15 to 20 minutes each and even a step by step guide.
84. Notes in Spanish : Get free, authentic Spanish conversations about real-life topics in this podcast. In addition to levels taught, you can also get worksheets.
85. One Minute French : Got a love of language but only 60 seconds to devote to it? Then try this free series of mini-lessons in for English speakers who want to learn French.
86. A Flavour of German : These podcasts are intended for intermediate to advanced speakers. They provides a fresh look at German idioms as native speaker Julia helps learn Mark improve his range of expression.
87. Learn Italian Language with Podcasts : Language lovers can choose four different levels at which to learn Italian from beginner to expert. The latest episode was on nicknames and culture.
88. Chinese Pod : Learn the Mandarin language with the help of this podcast. There is a charge, but the first seven days are free.
89. A Spoonful of Russian :Although the podcast has been discontinued, it is still free to view and take advantage of. There are also downloadable lessons, puzzles, and conversations.
90. Arabic Pod : With constantly updated episodes, this is a must visit for all lovers of the Arabic language. There is also a dictionary, forum, blog, and more.
Fantastic Podcasts for Language Lovers
Take your English to a higher level with the audio and expert help of these podcasts.
- 91. Listen to English : The podcasts on this site will help you to improve your English vocabulary and pronunciation, as well as listening skills. There are two short three to five minute podcasts every week, with the latest on changing your name.
92. A Way With Words : Martha and Grant bring a show dedicated to language featured on public radio. You can listen to a full episode online or join the discussion forums.
93.Grammar Monkeys : Part of the “Wichita Eagle,” this is a language podcast from their copy desk. A recent episode examined rack versus wrack.
94. Speaking English Podcast : This podcast can help you sound like a native English speaker in no time. 125 episodes and counting, the latest is on do not vs. donut vs. donate.
95. Free English Lessons : Provided by China 232, this is another podcast for those who need help with their English. Recent episodes are on learning the language for business.
96. ESL Pod : Those learning English as a second language will enjoy these podcasts. They even list their top ten popular episodes including seeing a specialist and dining at a restaurant.
97. Free Language : Get lessons as podcasts for a number of languages, including resources for kids and teens. Languages available include Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish.
98. Daily English Pod : This is one of the leading language providers on the internet. It also allows you to sample before you buy.
99. Business English Pod : Visit here for a podcast focused on helping you learn English for business purposes. There are over 140 episodes, with the latest on how to ask for a pay raise.
100. Linq : You can literally learn many common languages from this site, including English. The site uses the linguist method and a host of other tools to help you learn.
Whether just starting out on a language or looking to perfect it, there is loads of help from these 100 fantastic blogs for language lovers. Ideal for speaking, writing, or just meeting someone with similar interests.