Risorse per traduttori: i migliori siti


AITI - Website of the Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (Italian association of translators and interpreters).
ANITI - Website of the Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (Italian national association of translators and interpreters).
American Translators Association - Online directory of members and links to resources.
FIT - Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs - International Federation of Translators.
Institute of Linguists - "The Institute serves the interests of professional linguists throughout the world and acts as a respected language assessment and accredited awarding body."
Translators for Peace - "Our voluntary commitment intends to [...] maximise communication and dialogue between people and ethnicities, offering our professional competencies and our human commitment."
ITI UK - "The Institute of Translation & Interpreting was founded in 1986 as the only independent professional association of practising translators and interpreters in the United Kingdom."

Translators' Directories

Aquarius - Collects the résumés of over forty thousand translators. Job offers and resources for translators.
ProZ - Large directory of translators. Free and paid registration. Online terminology help.
GoTranslators - World translation directory. Translators and agencies can register for free.
TranslatorsCafé - Directory of translators, interpreters and translation agencies. Free registration.
Langit City - Directory of translators members of the Langit mailing list.

Mailing Lists, Forums

Lantra-L - International translators' mailing list
Payment Practices - A database of translation companies with related list to ask for and receive references
Translator Client Review - another list to ask for and receive references about translation companies
WorldPaymentPracticesFree - another list to ask for and receive references about translation companies
Translation and interpretation jobs
Langit - Italian translators' mailing list
Archives of LANGIT

Software Tools

Atril Déja Vu - CAT/TM tool.
SDL Trados & Passolo - CAT/TM tools.
Star Transit - CAT/TM tool.
MemoQ - CAT/TM tool.
MultiTrans - CAT/TM tool.
Wordfast - CAT/TM tool.
MetaTexis - CAT/TM tool.
OmegaT - Open-source CAT/TM tool.
Translation3000 - Several software tools for the translation industry.
WebBudget XT - Web localization & analysis tool.
Babylon - Online translators.
Alchemy Catalyst - Software localization tool.
Lingobit Localizer - Software localization tool.
Globalization Image Assistant - Helps manage image globalization projects.
InfoRapid - Freeware Search & Replace utility. Also searches PDF files.
Funduc Search & Replace - Shareware Search & Replace utility.
SmartBud - Downloads Web sites and performs a word count.
ExtPhr32 - Freeware terminology extraction tool.
Word count, character count tool - Word, character and line count made easy with Total Assistant.

Other Useful Links

Translatortips - Helping translators do better business 
The Tool Kit - A biweekly newsletter for people in the translation industry who want to get more out of their computers
Translators Training - Compare translation tools
Tariffometro – by Simon Turner. An unofficial survey on rates in the Italian and international markets.
Translation Journal
TranslationDirectory.com - Articles for translators and linguists
The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT)
Interinstitutional Style Guide (European Union)
Virtual Translator

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