”More than 120,000 Britons have signed an online petition asking Prime Minister David Cameron to do something to prevent a mass immigration of Romanians and Bulgarians", reports Gândul, ahead of the 2014 deadline when restrictions on labour market access are to be lifted in some EU countries.
According to this call launched via an e-petition on the official website for electronic petitions addressed to the UK government, the possible imminent arrival of Romanians and Bulgarians would be similar “to the one that granted access to around 600,000 Polish immigrants to enter Britain over recent years.” Once the restrictions are lifted, the petition goes on “all newcomers will entitled to claim benefits, housing, child, job seekers etc.”
Back in January “Gândul” responded to news of the idea of launching a UK advertising campaign in Bulgaria and Romania to deter potential emigrants, by launching a humourous counter-campaign aimed at the British, “Why-don-t-you-come-over”. The campaign spread widely across Romanian social networks and attracted enormous international attention.
Fonte: www.presseurop.eu