Siti per l'apprendimento linguistico: Russo
Il laboratorio di autoapprendimento del C.L.A. ricopre un ruolo d’importanza fondamentale perché dà la possibilità agli utenti di scegliere fra diversificate risorse disponibili per procedere nello studio autonomo delle lingue straniere.
I siti selezionati per lingua in questa pagina sono utili per esercitare e approfondire molti aspetti linguistici oltre che per stimolare la curiosità e conoscere aspetti culturali di diversi Paesi.
Yandex [RU] > dizionario, traduttore, enciclopedia (inserire i lemmi in cirillico se si sta traducendo dal russo)
Academic [RU] > dizionario, traduttore, enciclopedia; indicato per le microlingue (inserire i lemmi in cirillico se si sta traducendo dal russo)
forvo > aggiungi parole, pronuncia, ascolta e impara
Russian Handwriting > Brown University provides animations showing how to write Russian letters by hand
Learn Russian [EN]
Russian scholarly transliteration system [EN]
An Introduction to Russian [EN] > utile per l'autoapprendimento dell'alfabeto, con audio, scaricabile su pc
Esercizi di dettato > audio relativi alle Lezioni del testo S. Nistratova, T. Ermakova, N. Smykunova, Lingua russa. Primi passi - Dettato, composizione e verbo
Russian lessons [EN] > the Cyrillic alphabet, how to read Russian; Learn to read-Learn to speak-Learn the cases; the cases; grammar and grammar exercises; phrasebook, basic vocabulary, vocabulary by topics; vocabulary games; texts with audio; dialogues with audio; music videos; cartoons; comics
Russian for everyone [EN] > Russian language self-study guide for beginners; Russian Alphabet con file audio e gif che mostrano come si scrive in corsivo
Learn Russian with texts and audio [EN] [ES] > a collection of texts, all of them recorded, so you can read and listen at the same time. The topics chosen include aspects of the Russian culture but you will also read about food, sports, animals, etc. The texts are short, easy to read and with a vocabulary list at the end, so you can focus in important words you should remember.
russianplus [EN] > lezioni per tutti i livelli
Sokr [RU] > Russian abbreviations. Ever come across a Russian acronym and needed to decode what it stood for?
IRG [EN] > Russian verbs
Everyday Russian > Russian for English speakers; Ruso para hispanohablantes; Russe pour les francophones
MGU Russian > online free test of Russian
Russian verbs > conjugate Russian verbs with audio and examples
Transparent Language > Russian Proficiency Test
alphadictionary > an interactive online reference grammar
Radio e Televisioni
La Voce della Russia > radio russa che trasmette dall'estero; corso di russo in preparazione alle Olimpiadi di Soči
multiki > possibilità di scaricare cartoni per i livelli A1 e A2
arjlover > audio di racconti e fiabe russe e non (senza i rispettivi testi)
Youtube euronews
L!fe News
Echo of Moscow [RU] [...] > a radio station that broadcasts interviews and news stories concerning major current events. From their website you can listen live or find previously aired stories. If you find a particular correspondent or show that you enjoy, you can subscribe to their podcasts as well.
NTV [RU] > a major television channel in Russia, and their webpage offers great online content for many of their programs. The videos are often available in short clip form, making them excellent resources.
1TV [RU] > the official site of one of the largest TV channels in Russia provides video of their news programs, as well as other shows.
STS [RU] > STS channel features many serials, sitcoms, and movies. You can see numerous video clips of what they offer on their website.
RT [RU] | vgtrk [RU] | radiomayak [RU] | MTV [RU] | | | | sobesednik [RU] | | | |
Giornali e Riviste
Russian Newspapers > portale di giornali russi
Russian National and Local Newspapers [EN] [IT]
Russian Reporter [RU] [...] > news journal from Russia features investigative journalism and reporting on major worldwide events. The site is very heavy on media content, featuring impressive photography and video files.
Novaya Gazeta [RU] [...] > a well respected newspaper in Russia. The website provides a great deal of information on current events both in Russia and abroad.
Ria Novosti [RU] [EN] [DE] [FR] [ES] [AR] [FA] [JA] > a major news provider in Russia. The website provides current news stories focusing on Russia and also on international news.
Kommersant [RU] > the Kommersant publishing house is responsible for numerous well-respected print journals in Russia. Their site offers links to each, as well as a main page focusing on overall current events and news.
Gaude | metronews | mdz-moskau | Russia beyond the headlines [IT] [RU] [EN] | aif
Storia e Letteratura > this site has detailed and readily accessible information for famous classic Russian authors, philosophers, and other humanities subjects. Many full-length texts and biographical pages are available. > a great online collection of reading materials covering almost every topic. The interface is a little clunky, but the information is all there.
Aldebaran Online Library [RU] > a collection of literature online. Many books are available to read right off the computer screen while others can be purchased. Books by Russian and Westerns authors are plentiful; registration is required.
Russnet History [EN] > necessaria registrazione; consigliato per livelli avanzati
Russnet Literature [EN] > necessaria registrazione; consigliato per livelli avanzati
Russian Everyday > Anton Checov, The Lady with the dog (Chapter 1)
Cultura e Civiltà
UNESCO [EN] [FR] > properties inscribed on the World Heritage List in the Russian Federation
Russia Travel
Virtual tour of Moscow's St.Basil's Cathedral
The Russian Government [RU] [EN]
President of Russia [RU] [EN]
best of Russia [RU] [EN] > sito di un concorso fotografico patrocinato dal Ministero della Cultura
russiatrek [EN] > russian cities and regions guide; blog
Real Moscow [EN]
Bolshoi Theatre [RU] [EN]
Mariinsky Theatre [RU] [EN]
Russnet Culture [EN] | Russnet Science [EN] > necessaria registrazione; consigliati per livelli avanzati
Russian Art & Architecture [EN] > guida per Mosca e San Pietroburgo; come ottenere il visto [EN]
Russian Orthodox Church [RU] [EN] [GR] [IT] [FR] [ES]
Afisha [RU] [...] > website that focuses on entertainment and pop culture events in Russia. It allows you to read about upcoming concerts, movies, and other notable events. Moreover, it provides reviews of films and trailers in Russian. An excellent site for those who enjoy all things about media and entertainment.
A taste of Russian [EN] > a podcasting service dedicated to learning Russian. Each podcast focuses in on a theme and provides authentic conversation and vocabulary to help self-directed learners.
Youtube's Mosfilm Channel [RU] > Youtube and the "Mosfilm" studio have recently agreed on details and created a youtube channel containing many classic Soviet films. Very neat resource to check out!
Snob [RU] > it is an international project for people, who live in various countries around the world, speak various languages but think in Russian. They have a print magazine as well as a website filled with articles, video blogs and opinion pieces. A good way to read in Russian on virtually any topic.